CEO Effective Executive Leadership

Executive Leadership

The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
The Five Habits of an Effective Executive

1. Know Thy Time (Capital and People is based on supply and demand. Time is a scarce resource and is totally inelastic. Yesterday’s time is gone and will never come back.)

- Record it

- Manage it

- Consolidate it

2. Focus on outward contribution – What results are expected of me rather than what work has to be done?

3. Build on strengths – own strengths, strengths of superiors, colleagues, and subordinates; and on the strengths in the situation. Start with what I can do and not what I cannot do

4. 80-20 rule – Focus on a few major areas of superior performance to produce outstanding results and set priorities and stay with the priority decisions

5. Make effective decisions even when it is not the most popular with Integrity and which is in alignment with the organization's charter quickly

As Peter Drucker states an effective executive asks these three questions:

1. What needs to be done?

2. What needs to be done now?

3. What is right for the enterprise?